
Selasa, 02 April 2013

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (Tugas 4)

Statement 4:
Should goverment spend more money on improving roads and high ways or should goverment spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trans, busway)? why? use spesifik reasons and details to develop your essay

My Opinion :
Actual expenditures as high as it is reasonable. want to move forward there must be sacrifice. but also the need of the support that keeps increasing public transportation (vehicles). Who use public transport a lot, wrote of self-awareness to be justified. If the increase in public transport is run by the government, then the people who should be responsible for maintaining and keeping.
If that someday there is increasing public transport I hope there is no more corruption that takes money to improve public transport this. I think Indonesia is already supposed to be a developed country and developing from year to year. but because there are people in charge (of corruption) Indonesia becomes advanced. Governments need to improve performance, change patterns or habits of the people of Indonesia that the country is getting better and I am sure if the government is firm to increase public transport this will reduce traffic congestion in Jakarta. The government should move and really punish if there is a negligent, the people of Indonesia must obey if the government was right to lead the country.

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